If you’ve ever tried to get my attention, you know how frustrating that process can be. My mind is full of winding staircases and secret
Coming up with new ideas requires a dash of chaos along with your perfect recipe. Ruth Wakefield invented chocolate chip cookies when she ran out
The allegory of the cave
I was recently reminded of an interesting thought experiment carried out by the philosopher Plato. I’d like to share it here because it means a
Ideas I can’t pursue #1
As someone who has the privilege of being free from the majority of mundane tasks, I get to see the world a little bit differently.
Open your eyes and ears
Ideas are everywhere. Really nice people have ideas. Not so nice people have ideas. Irritating people have ideas. What does it do for you when
Agree on a metric
Innovation sometimes creates conflict because different people have different priorities. If you can’t agree on a metric to innovate on, it can create a lot